Tuesday, September 25, 2007

if you are vegan

or even if you're NOT, run out and get the ultimate uncheese cookbook by jo stepaniak. i've not tried all of the recipes but from what i have tried, they ARE incredible. here's what i had for lunch and breakfast yesterday. my cauliflower curry had a bit of 'i can't believe it's not cheese sauce' on it. i had it room temperature and it was WONDERFUL

yesterday’s lunch and breakfast and snacks

soy yoghurt with almonds, dried cherries and other assorted dried fruit and a bit of flax seeds
cold (steamed) edamame with a bit of sea salt
*curried cauliflower with tofu, onions and peas topped with ‘i can’t believe it’s not cheese sauce’
*in a saute pan - saute in a little olive oil (or soy margarine or other oil of your choice) fresh or frozen cauliflower, defrosted and drained frozen tofu and sliced onion. stir occasionally and cook until nicely browned. add some frozen baby peas and cook for a minute more. clear a bit of space in the middle of the pan and add a tiny bit more oil, then add a bit of curry powder and other spices of your choosing. cook for one minute more. serve warm, cold or room temperature
p.s. please note, i'm recycling the plastic containers that 'stuff' comes in. of course if you have to heat something up (as in a microwave), DON'T do it in one of these.

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)