Friday, July 29, 2011

this is a pretty useful tutorial

How-To: Create a Color Palette from a Photograph

Carina Envoldsen-Harris of Carina's Craftblog is a Danish embroidery pattern designer, craft blogger, and Star Wars geek. Under the name Polka & Bloom, Carina designs colorful, freeform embroidery designs and ebooks inspired by the folk art and design of her native Denmark.

pic from ms envoldsen-harris' tutorial at craft, linked above

did you know you could buy lenses for the camera on your phone?

well you CAN. and there are three different ones! they're fairly inexpensive. i think i'd sure like to have the telephoto one.

Fisheye, Macro, Wide Angle and Telephoto Phone Lenses

Buy the Fisheye, Macro, Wide Angle and Telephoto Phone Lenses at the Photojojo Store!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

look at this wicked beautiful bracelet

from fusion beads

it's not that expensive to make either. the pattern and project list you ask? why they're RIGHT here:

tealo bracelet (click 'pdf pattern')

pic from fusion beads linked above

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

immediately run over to

color crazed art and check out what lynda coker has going on. especially the pathways fiber art tutorial

pic from lynda coker's color crazed art, linked above

via totally tutorials

Thursday, July 21, 2011

ok, just saw this on twitter

and i LOVE it buttons from shrink plastic


pic from the craftzine diy linked above (however, the whole tutorial is really from scissors paper wok

look at these absolutely beautiful

dip dye cups over at design* sponge

as if they weren't beautiful enough, the cups are wasara biodegradable cups!!!

pic from design* sponge linked above. but i am begging you to go to both links to check out ALL the pics in the dip dye cups tutorial AND to wasara to see their wares as well

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

from measured by the heart a lovely

star braid

i have very long hair and i'd love to try this. i think i'm going to need an extra pair of hands though

pic from measured by the heart linked above

found via

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

i'm diggin' these A LOT!!!

from honestly wtf a diy wrap bracelet

pic from honestly wtf linked above

slate has an article on ravelry


i'm a member. are  you?

A Tight-Knit Community

Why Facebook can't match Ravelry, the social network for knitters.

By Farhad Manjoo

The best social network you've (probably) never heard of is one-five-hundredth the size of Facebook. It has no video chat feature, it doesn't let you check in to your favorite restaurant, and there are no games. The company that runs it has just four employees, one of whom is responsible for programming the entire operation. It has never taken any venture capital money and has no plans to go public. Despite these apparent shortcomings, the site's members absolutely adore it. They consider it a key part of their social lives, and they use it to forge deeper connections with strangers—and share more about themselves—than you're likely to see elsewhere online. There's a good chance this site isn't for you, but after you see how much fun people have there, you'll wish you had a similar online haunt. The social network is called Ravelry. It's for knitters (and crocheters)..............

here's a linux platform

(software) for editing and creating cross stitch patterns

pic from the kxstitch sourceforge project linked above

this is one of THE coolest sweater/wraps i have ever seen

you can buy the pattern here


By Hélène Magnússon

An extremely versatile long sleeved cardigan, knitted entirely without seaming. Taking as inspiration the British and French flags, this charted design is worked in Icelandic intarsia in garter stitch.

pics from the knit on the net website linked above (but DO click the link to see all the OTHER ways you can wear this wonderfully inventive sweater)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

from the guardian on the rise of knitting

Pride in the wool: the rise of knitting

It is nearly a decade since the knitting renaissance hit the headlines. Since then, things have gone from strength to strength. Perri Lewis reports

Perri Lewis

Almost 10 years ago this newspaper, like so many others, declaredknitting the next big thing. The craft was, it said, "the biggest thing since sliced bootlegs". Ever since this early (albeit dubious-sounding) fanfare, whenever a pretty girl/D-list celebrity picked up a set of needles, you were guaranteed to find headline after headline proclaiming knitting the new yoga, or the new black, or the new whatever.
But despite this decade-long reign over the lifestyle pages, the last 12 months have been particularly good for knitting. Peter Fitzgerald, a retail director at Google UK, says that while online searches for knitting-related terms have grown steadily since 2004, the growth this year has been really noticeable. "Our data shows that searches for knitting have increased over 150% just this year," he says. The term "knitting for beginners" has increased by 250%.
Sales of yarn in John Lewis haberdasheries are significantly higher than last year: figures for luxury Germany yarn brand Gedifra have risen by 126%, while Rowan yarn is up 57%. Worldwide, Rowan yarn sales have just about doubled. What makes knit one, purl one so very 2011?....................

pic: Wheel spun ... a yarnbombed bus in Mexico City. Photograph: Bournemouth News/Rex Features

hat tip crafty crafty

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

whip up has

links for 8 ways to revamp your lamp

pic from the whip up posting linked above (i'm especially digging the pic in the upper left corner)

a bunch o'

alpaca kisses

this photo: By Walnut Creek Alpacas

i  don't know if any of you have ever met any alpacas. if not, YOU MUST! they're wonderful creatures. really. they are

PLUS if you've ever knitted (or crocheted) with alpaca yarn,  you'll know how EXCEPTIONALLY SOFT it is

here are a few links

the alpaca yarn co

misti alpaca

blue sky alpacas

Monday, July 11, 2011

just look at this instructable for

custom lego bricks!!!!!!!!!!!!
pic from depotdevoid's instructable linked above!

Like me on Facebook! My ego needs a boost! Depotdevoid is short for The Depot Devoid of Thought, the place where you go when you 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the brand spankin' new

knitty is up!

one of my favorite patterns from this issue is; pretty twisted by Cat Wong

pic from the pretty twisted pattern in knitty linked above pic by Mary Story