Monday, November 19, 2007

website of the day

check out fuldesign for some REALLY different patterns (like this one)

it's in swedish (i think) but the patterns TRANSLATE my peeps!


  1. oh shucks, gosh, wow! I have NEVER been a website of the day before! I think I got a post of the week once a few years back but that pales!

    Glad you like, and doesn't Fuldesign just rock the hardcore?!? I don't reckon you need to know swedish at all, just adore the gorgeousness of the patterns. FYI, after months of intense research, Sweden definitely wins the coolest cross stitching nation ever award. I know heaps of cool european stitchers and they ALL come from sweden. Coincidence? I think not.

    Thanks for visiting, come again soon!

  2. yeah fuldesign rocks BUT you're no slouch either! i'm glad i found your site and i will keep stopping by. i'm more of a knitter but one never knows.........


yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)