Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i picked up an issue of

hi fructose while i was in northampton at modern myths. it is a wicked cool magazine. check out some of the things they have online at the link above.

i think i may even subscribe

i bring this up because it's mentioned today (well yesterday) in boing boing

Attaboy's Moleskines

Artist and Hi-Fructose co-editor Attaboy sent me one of his fancy new Moleskine Sketch Books individually laser etched by Modofly. The beautiful artwork really holds up in the etch. Each one is $36 and, upon your request, features a small original Attaboy sketch on the inside cover.

Mars-1's mind-blending "Strange Cargo" is our fifth embossed offset print to be included in the Hi-Fructose Collected Edition Box Set. Mesmerizing and organic, the print is a wonderful edition to the set. Here's a better view of "Strange Cargo" so you can better see the details. We will have the Collected edition available for pre-order in our online store section on Friday June 13th.

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)