Friday, August 1, 2008

you know even though it's

horribly hot and humid out there, i don't mind working with wool. well not ALL wools. i put aside my traditional danish shawl (i am almost done, but it's just too bulky to finish until it gets a might cooler out). i'm working on a simple 2 X 2 ribbed hat made out of tahki savoy. it's silk and wool and i'm using color 004, light olive. the yarn is soooooooo soft and light. the hat is for a new soldier i've adopted through soldier's angels (check them out. there are plenty of soliders that sill need adoption AND plenty of things you can contribute too. they are having several different blanket drives for the holidays. some for deployed soliders some for wounded soldiers some for families of deployed soldiers. i've adopted a few soldiers (when i say soliders, they can be army, navy, marine or air force) through the past few years and it's been a joy to me. knowing i can do just a tiny bit to support a hero (or two). anyway.............

anyway, i came across this lovely hat pattern in brooklyn tweed. it's turn a square. i don't think i'd mind working on that hat in this weather either! check out his blog. he has some mighty mighty fine pieces out there (the mittens that are going on the cover of vogue knitting are sure kick ass)

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)