Sunday, November 16, 2008

if you go over to

mama to mama you'll find lots and lots of information on caps to cap haitien project

they're made out of tee shirts. you don't have to be a sewing genius to make one either. so, whip out a tee and some thread and GET GOING

and here's another posting with a pattern for a cap and a link to konbit sante

About Konbit Sante:

Konbit Sante is a Maine-based volunteer partnership working to save lives and improve health care in northern Haiti. In Haitian Creole, a konbit is a traditional method of working together to till your friends' and neighbors fields as well as your own - a cooperative effort. Sante means health. The name defines their commitment to address the staggering health problems in northern Haiti where most lack basic care and live without running water............

oh just stop by the site ok?

(i found it via her - amanda's - craft blog: soulemama)

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)