Friday, November 28, 2008

times are tough

all over. we're all having a rough go of it. we're all cutting costs.

i'm sure you still have a couple of non-perishable items in your cupboards you could donate to a food bank. some old (but clean and in good condition) clothes you could donate to a shelter. a day a week (or even a month) you could volunteer your time helping out .....

think of others. not just at this time of the year, but all the time.

Craft Warmth for the Homeless this Winter

As the temps outside reach frigid lows, the issues faced by your local homeless population can be life-threatening, especially for those unable to find adequate shelter. This winter season, consider using your craftiness to help the homeless fight the cold with these simple projects. Hand them out in urban areas or in places you know where many homeless people reside, or call a local homeless shelter (homeless shelter directory or shelter listings) to find out if you can hand them out there. Keep in mind that shelters may require larger quantities of handmade goods, so you might consider finding or starting a group in your area that can do a project on a larger scale. Think the office, friends, social clubs, classes,, or for knitting projects, the charity knitting groups on ..............

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)