Saturday, June 27, 2009

a felted cellphone credit card bag

i made
knit all in garter stitch. i put dimensions out there (approximate. i lost the paper i wrote them down on prior to felting it) but really, it's NOT important. neither is gauge. if you want it to felt, you MUST use 100% wool (NOT superwash either). i used brown sheep. i had a bunch of odds and ends left and a project like this is a PERFECT project for leftovers (i used a couple other hunks o' yarn that i couldn't identify but knew were wool). i used size 11 needles but again, use what you want or what you have. as you can see there are two pockets. one on the outside that is covered by the flap (which buttons) and one on the inside. i crocheted the bag together and crocheted a border around the pockets and the flap as well. a buttonhole was made in the flap. i made an i-cord strap using three strands of yarn and 3 stitches. if you click on the dimensions picture you'll get a larger view - just in case you want to see my measurements.

the finished measurements are; approximately 9x7"
red pocket 5"
white pocket 5.5"

when you're done with the bag, place in pillowcase and wash in warm to hot water with a bit of detergent. i let it go through an entire cycle. then block

it's not perfect but that's a true sign of something being made by me!

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)