Friday, July 31, 2009

i didn't want to do it. really i didn't

i didn't want apple running my life nor did i want them to know EVERYTHING about me. how would this happen you ask? well if you get an ipod or iphone they sure as shite WOULD know a hell of a lot about you, if not EVERYTHING.

well i broke down and got an itouch. i've only had it a few days and i like it a great deal. i have NOT put any songs on it mind you.

so what i'm going to do now is share/review apps with you.

i'll start by reviewing this one

forgetmeknit by nathan davis

i just d/l it yesterday BUT I LOVE IT ALREADY! it's easy to use. you can post pictures and count your stitches and leave yourself pattern notes. there are templates you can use (i've not done so yet). my favorite part you ask? IT'S A BUILT IN RULER! wicked cool! i bring my knitting everywhere. i mean everywhere. i NEVER have a ruler with me. THIS IS PERFECT! i'm sorry my review isn't thorough but as i said, i JUST got the app. i entered one project so far (the one that MUST be finished by august 27th. yeah, right.)

check it out for yourselves at the link above. there are many more things it's capable of doing.

i highly recommend this to knitters. JUST GET IT. a bargain at 2.99!

and NO i'm not receiving any remuneration for this

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)