Saturday, August 15, 2009

jenny hart over at

sublime stitching (as you know if you read this blog, i've now taken up embroidery. i have gotten a LOT o' stuff from sublime stitching and i am also going to highly recommend this site to YOU as well. i don't get remunerated for any of my postings or recommendations. i like what i like and i don't gloss things over. i think customer service is VERY important. it's even right up with producing a good product. so i AM telling you this site had GOOD STUFF!!!)

jenny's got a new book coming out

embroidered effects (the pic is a cover of the book taken from the link to chronicle books)

jenny ALSO gives us a cool look into her book with a floss blending tutorial. click on over and see what you can do and get a hint of what's in the book while you're at it!

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)