Sunday, October 11, 2009

erin's belated birthday hat

size 9 needles, circular
cast on 90 stitches
place marker and join (of course making sure it's not twisted)
1X1 rib (k1, p1) for 1.5"
then knit for 3"
purl 1 row
knit for another 1.5"
start decreases
k8, k2 together (repeat for entire round)
purl the next row
k7, k2 together (repeat for entire round)
purl the next row
k6, k2 together (repeat for entire round)
purl the next row
k5, k2 together (repeat for entire round)
purl the next row
k4, k2 together (repeat for entire round)
purl the next row
k3, k2 together (repeat for entire round)
purl the next row
k2, k2 together (repeat for entire round)
purl the next row
k1, k2 together (repeat for entire round)
purl the next row
k2 together (repeat for entire round)
break yarn leaving a tail a few inches long. pull tail through the remaining stitches and tighten. weave in ends.

yarn: mirasol sport weight merino
i then attached a little icord to the top and needle felted (with roving) a few designs around the hat (i think i may take off the icord on top before i give it to erin. we'll see)

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)