Thursday, December 17, 2009

the nyt goes all etsy on us!

etsy IS one of my favorite places on the interwebs. i've even toyed with opening a shop online. that just means i'd have to get a bunch of stuff done and on hand (when i make things i usually give them away right away. i always make a FIRST one for me just to test the waters and correct any mistakes i may have made). i cannot make 'on demand'. just can't do it.

that said, i LOVE to support people who hand craft (or craft in general). i have been MORE than satisfied with ALL of my etsy purchases (and i've made a TON)

if you've never etsy-ed i'm telling you to do so right now.

That Hobby Looks Like a Lot of Work

QUIT your day job?

To some craft enthusiasts that is just the name of a popular blog on Etsy, the fast-growing Web site that serves as a marketplace for crafts and vintage goods.

But to Yokoo Gibran, it was an epiphany.

Ms. Gibran, who is in her 30s, had been selling her hand-knit scarves and accessories on the site for less than a year when she decided last November to quit her day job at a copy center in Atlanta. Thirteen months later, she would seem to be living the Etsy dream: running a one-woman knitwear operation, Yokoo, from her home and earning more than $140,000 a year, more than many law associates.

Jealous? How could you not be? Her hobby is her job. But consider this before you quit your day job: at the pace she’s working, she might as well be a law associate.

“I have to wake up around 8, get coffee or tea, and knit for hours and hours and hours and hours,” said Ms. Gibran, who leveraged the exposure she got on the site to forge a deal with Urban Outfitters. “I’m like an old lady in a chair, catching up on podcasts, watching old Hitchcock shows. I will do it for 13 hours a day.” And even after all those hours knitting, she is constantly sketching new designs or trading e-mail messages with 50 or more customers a day...........


  1. I just assumed you probably DID have an etsy store. Come on woman!! Get on that! :-)

  2. i still am knitting and felting like mad. i have SEVERAL more gifts to make. ahhhhhhhhhh

    they WON'T BE DONE in time. that's for sure


yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)