Sunday, March 28, 2010

i HATED beets as a child

and i guess i hated them through my young adulthood as well. somewhere along the line though, i grew to love them with a passion. red, golden, makes no never mind. not the canned ones and i don't even know if they sell frozen ones, i'm talking FRESH ones. ones you roast in a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper (and that's just about all they need). i came across the following recipe on

simply recipes and am going to try it just as soon as i go shopping again (i just went friday and alas, i ALMOST bought some beets, but i didn't).

look at this BEAUTIFUL
beet hummus

picture by Elise Bauer from the simply recipes blog linked above


  1. That beautiful colour almost makes me want to try them again.....ALMOST..!!

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  3. oh you really SHOULD try them again. they're sweet and delicious. you never know unless you try.....


yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)