Saturday, July 3, 2010

i saw something at whole foods i had never heard of before

 garlic scape

i didn't buy any, but perhaps i will

A Garlic Festival Without a Single Clove

pic: Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times
AH! NOT EW! Garlic in three forms, from left: green garlic, garlic scapes and mature heads.

“I’D rather have an ounce of garlic than a pound of truffles,” my father often said, setting the tone for garlic worship in our family.
When I was growing up, no meal was complete without several of the odoriferous cloves: from the omelets at breakfast to the garlic butter popcorn as a snack before bedtime. And if my dad never did get around to making garlic ice cream, it was only because he was perfecting his garlic-laced gazpacho sorbet.
Given this history, it was no surprise that the first time I came upon a cascading pile of vivid green, curling garlic scapes at the farmers’ market, I had to buy some, even though I had no idea of what do with them................



  1. OH! Those are COOL. I want to grow them! Where, I wonder can I find this wonder? Hmmm...

  2. just grow garlic! i guess this is what you get if you let garlic just GO. i can't vouch for the taste, but man, they look great


yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)