Tuesday, September 7, 2010

craftzine tells us about

pillow cases for a cause

  Posted by Rachel Hobson

Dana of MADE shares a pattern and how-to for making pillow cases from your stash fabrics to donate to the ConKerr Cancer organization. ConKerr delivers brightly-colored pillow cases to chroniclly ill children in hospitals to help brighten their hospital rooms.  ............

pic from the craftzine article linked above

1 comment:

  1. I'm using your picture of the pillow cases in a post about what parents should take with them when they have to admit their child to the hospital. We had a child with chronic health issues and I have written a blog about surviving those days. Thank you for the picture. You can see it at LifeWithoutACompass.com



yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)