Monday, January 17, 2011

my latest piece

it is NOT blocked yet
a beaded neck piece
modeled by the lovely sharon

pre-thread lots and then lots more size 6 glass beads on yarn
cast on 72 stitches and join without twisting (and of course place a marker at join)
k2, p1around placing a bead in each purl on every other row
continue this pattern for about 4 inches give or take
make a little ruffle on one end by k2, k1 f&b all the way around
next row, k5, k1 f&b all the way around. do this a few more rows and bind off
then cut several lengths of yarn for fringe. attach to neck piece then put a bead on the end of each length of yarn. tie a knot on each end.
BLOCK (which as i said above, i have NOT done yet)
size 4 needles 16" circular

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)