Tuesday, March 22, 2011

my (partial) moon and stars necklace

 it's beaded and knit. i have the other half of the silver/crystal beads to knit yet. the LONGEST part is pre-stringing all of the beads. the knitting goes fairly quickly even though it's on size 00 needles. like a GIANT DOPE i ruined some of the Kreinik silver braided thread that came with the kit. so i just ordered more and i have to wait for it (i ran out. like i said, i ruined some of ). i also added more of my own beads and am making both the crystal and the blue in the middle parts a couple of inches longer. i wanted a longer necklace. the completed necklace pic is from earthfaire itself. the one in progress is mine of course

from earthfaire.

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)