Wednesday, March 9, 2011

there's a giveaway over at

sew homegrown it's a BEAUTIFUL

summer blooms tote bag

go to the link above for more info: and from sew homegrown:
The giveaway will run from 3/8/11-3/15/11.  That's one week.  You have to check back to see if you won. 
I will not email you...check back.  I will announce the winner on Wednesday March 16th.  
Mark your calender.  Set an alarm on your phone.
So here's how you can enter:

1.  Leave a comment on any post for the next week.  
Old posts, new posts, doesn't matter.  The more comments you leave, the more times you are entered to win.  Plus, I love to hear your thoughts :)

2.  Become a follower of Sew Homegrown, if you are not one already. 
(please don't become a follower just for the giveaway - only if you really want to follow this blog)

3.  Blog about this giveaway, tweet, or post it on Facebook - leave me a comment here letting me know you did that. 
pic from: sew homegrown linked above

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)