Thursday, May 12, 2011


'The Big Lebowski' sweater: A cult classic came from Oregon's Pendleton Woolen Mills; you can knit your own

 You may have missed Friday's fifth annual "Cinco de Lebowski," but you can still get your Dude on. Oregonian writer Kristi Turnquist reports (in the post below) on the distinctive sweater title character sported in the cult classic "The Big Lebowski".

The distinctive cardigan Jeff Bridges sports in the 1998, Joel and Ethan Coen movie, she reports, "was made by Oregon's Pendleton Woolen Mills -- and "the original sweater worn by Bridges in the movie is going to be auctioned off May 14-15 in Beverly Hills as part of a multimillion-dollar showbiz memorabilia auction. ....".......

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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (or stoli)