wind in the willows
The Summer Palace, Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2009. Photographer: Rob Cardillo.
Like fantasy playgrounds that appear to have sprouted and grown all own their own, North Carolina based artist Patrick Dougherty weaves these intricate sculptures from sticks, saplings and vines. His site specific sculptural installations invite the public to wander in and around their elaborate rooms - and quite frankly, I’m ready to move in. The major obstacle to me sending out change of address cards is that that these pieces are temporary in nature and typically only last a season or two. See more of Patrick’s brilliant stick architecture on his website...............

Very cool. Recently watched the new movie verson of Where The Wild Things Are.....and there are some things in there that look EXACTLY like this.
maybe the artist worked on the movie. i've not seen it yet but i DO want to. i love maurice sendak.
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