here are the pictures
Knitted village put up for sale
The knitted village will be publicly displayed so people can buy their favourite object
A knitted replica of a Kent village with 100 features including teenagers smoking in a bus shelter has been put up for sale.
The model of Mersham, near Ashford, has been knitted by members of the village's 40-strong Afternoon Club over the past 23 years.
The group has raised about £10,000 for their village hall by exhibiting it.
But the creation is now to be split up and sold off because it has become too large to be transported.
Since 1986, thousands of hours of handiwork have gone into the village.
(ht: boing boing)
how interesting. I enjoy reading your blog all the time.:)
thanks. i try to find interesting stuff and stuff i'd like to make myself
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